Playworks Philadelphia 2010

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Garden Revitalization with Teens 4 Good

For our December service project, we decided to get our hands dirty-literally.  The project we were involved with was working to revitalize a community garden located on 8th Street and Poplar, an area otherwise known as Northern Liberties.  The list of tasks we were put in charge of were as follows:
  • Raking
  • Weeding
  • Picking up trash
  • Compost turn over
  • Overall maintenance of the garden    
Coaches Alexa and PJ weeding the beds.

     During our service we were teamed up with an organization called Teens 4 Good.
"Teens 4 Good, a program of the Federation of Neighborhood Centers,  is a youth entrepreneurship produce and nutrition business that transforms vacant lots into urban gardens/farms, improving access to healthy food for communities, creating meaningful jobs for at-risk youth and empowering youth to become healthy responsible young adults and leaders who give back to their communities" (excerpt taken from Teens 4 Good Website).  

Coach Lisa raking leaves with volunteers.

The project leader, Jamie, supplied us with tools, water, and some delicious soft pretzels.  After exchanging greetings, we all got to work.  The coaches were divided up and given different tasks to perform for the day.  Coach Ben and I were assigned to trimming a pair of rose bushes, or rather, trying not to get poked to death by thorns.  The work was tedious, but well worth the effort.

Coach Alex (me) trimming the rose bushes!

     After the project was completed and I had time to reflect, I realized that a garden in an urban setting such as Philadelphia is vital to showing and introducing people to healthy food choices.  In addition, it can also be used as an educational tool for schools throughout the area to inform children about the importance of fresh, whole foods.  Besides that though, it is simply always fun to have the opportunity to get your hands a little dirty.

Garden beds post-weeding.  Ready for planting!

-Written from Playworks Philly by Program Coordinator Alex Correa